Monday, May 15, 2006

The Will of God

Is there one person who is the only person who is right for you?

Is there only one job or path in life that is right and if we some how miss it we are not in God's will?

I think no to these questions and many more like them. I believe that there are may choices with in God's sovereign will. Above you see a good illustration about the will of God and making decisions from Stand to Reason. In the bible we fine that God has a clear Moral will, a Sovereign will but never a specific personal will for each of us. Thus, factors like wisdom and our own personal likes, dislikes and desires interplay to help us make good decisions. I need to use these ideas more when I make decisions. How about you?


John Lynch said...

Hey brother! Hope all is well.

If God knows the BEST choice (regardless of the Predestination / Free Will interiminable argument) won't I always seek His leading out? Doesn't that pretty much take care of decision-making?

Perhaps the Divine Sovereignty / Free Agency thing get's more difficult & desperate when we start talking about safety, confidence, & evil circumstances. If we ever choose one without the other, what blessings in Scripture are taken from us? If there is no sovereignty, are we really safe in Christ? Can we be confident at all? If there is no free-will, are we really responsible? Can we make a difference?

I'd be interested in reading what you make of such a paradox.

Mike said...

I would agree that God knows the BEST choice in all situations but I don't think we need some 6th sense or complicated process to go FIND that best. I also think that their may be a few bests that He would grant blessings on.

I humbly admit I by no means have sovereighnty and our free will even close to figured out. But as I study the bible I don't see a specific "personalized will" that I need to go find and if I don't then I am outside of God's will. I do see many examples of Godly men and women using the tools around them (casting lots as a crazy example) and then moving forward with those decisions being confiednet God would grant them the wisdom needed to make good decisions. And also turn them when the make poor decsions.

Ok that is enough rambling let me know what you think.