Sunday, August 28, 2005

Who's your daddy?

Have you ever been challenged by someone in a sermon or just talking where they asked you, "What are you doing that would fail if God didn't show up?"? I was thinking about that recently with a few situations in ministry right now and taking comfort in the fact that there is no way this could happen with out God showing up. GOD really must show up but I have been challenged all the more that the answer to the question is nothing less that Life itself. My life is a completed failure aside from God and would be if He were left out. So in a sense I think that is a silly question and one I don't think I will be asking anymore. Who are we that we could think there is anything that would not fail if God didn't show up! So Who's your Daddy?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A powerful Community Question!

At a camp Kim and I went to a week ago our friends there that run the camp asked a powerful question that is designed to help us think through if we really are involved in TRUE community or if what we have is just scratching the surface. Here is the question: "If you or your family were falling apart do you have someone or another family that would step in and do something?" NOT that could or that might but WOULD. The answer for Kim and I is sadly no. We have friends and families that are close(relationally) to us but are fare(geographically) enough away that they may not know what is happening. Those that are physically close to us we are not quite as close to in relationship. HOW ABOUT YOU?!!! You and I had better change and change that fast before we really need it!

Friday, August 19, 2005

The Connecting Church

I have recently been really challenged to help my chruch see the need for true community. I am wondering if anyone has seen a great example of a chruch that "Get's it" a place that is biger than a few hunderd and yet has broken themself down enough to truly have families and individuals living life together? I am trying to think through what this might look like in my local context. I am not sure if it is even possible here but I pray it is and I pray God might use me to iniciate that change. It is a huge task to try and help a very "Modern" chruch see the need and to let go of all the sacrid cows to move forward in a way that will truly be powerful. Any help would be great!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My first post

How do we stop doing chruch and start being church?