Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A powerful Community Question!

At a camp Kim and I went to a week ago our friends there that run the camp asked a powerful question that is designed to help us think through if we really are involved in TRUE community or if what we have is just scratching the surface. Here is the question: "If you or your family were falling apart do you have someone or another family that would step in and do something?" NOT that could or that might but WOULD. The answer for Kim and I is sadly no. We have friends and families that are close(relationally) to us but are fare(geographically) enough away that they may not know what is happening. Those that are physically close to us we are not quite as close to in relationship. HOW ABOUT YOU?!!! You and I had better change and change that fast before we really need it!


Brett Berger said...

It is a good question. I think that the one of the commitments that we need to have if we want to be in authentic community is to be the initiators of it. I think it starts with personally openning up and being vulnerable with others.

Mike said...

Lynch said in an e-mail to me the two major barriers to authentic community are business and shame. If we can not get over our self and slow down long enough to share of ourself with others true community can not happen.

David Malouf -- said...

I would jump into BAB's life. He just may not know it. I drive by his house 2-3x a week and listen with a parabolic microphone just to make sure they are all okay.

Okay, not the last sentence, but the first one is true.