Sunday, August 28, 2005

Who's your daddy?

Have you ever been challenged by someone in a sermon or just talking where they asked you, "What are you doing that would fail if God didn't show up?"? I was thinking about that recently with a few situations in ministry right now and taking comfort in the fact that there is no way this could happen with out God showing up. GOD really must show up but I have been challenged all the more that the answer to the question is nothing less that Life itself. My life is a completed failure aside from God and would be if He were left out. So in a sense I think that is a silly question and one I don't think I will be asking anymore. Who are we that we could think there is anything that would not fail if God didn't show up! So Who's your Daddy?


David Malouf -- said...

I must concur that it's a silly question. I agree with your disection of the idea and would add that following. The question seems to come from someone who (over)values the need for the things of God to be BIG (even if God isn't wanting to do something "big").

New bent: what am I doing that is obedience to the Spirit? Screw the size.

Mike said...

Screw the size and what others may think! Am I obedient in my Ministry even if it means less #'s? I obedient in leading my family even if others see us and heading in a direction they see as ungodly? Who am I living for? God or someone else!