Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Be Careful what you Blog, I am pretty sure God Reads it!

So the day after I post "Freedom in Christ" God shows me how un-free I still am even thought I have come a long way.


By it I mean sin, any sin. The answer is most likely yes. But, how are we "bothered"? Yesterday I went to the Denver campus of CU to talk to a professor about some schooling I am looking into. I needed to go to the student union and purchase a catalog from the bookstore. As I walked through the union I was excited to be there and looking forward to engaging culture. Then I happened to walk by the Gay, Lesbian, and alternative life style office in the union. It bothered me! But not the bothered me like “there is a bunch of people who really need love”. It was the bothered that “I can't believe an office like that is allowed in a student union”, condemning bothered. Definitely the WRONG kind of bothered! God new I would be walking there that day and knew what I just wrote (freedom in Christ) and I am sure He thinks it is funny! And it is funny! He really knows how to reopen our eyes to our shortcomings and I am sure He is amused as He does it. I like a God like that and I am happy to admit that He is still working hard on me to be like Him each and every day. I want to be bothered by "IT” what ever it is. But bothered as God is, not as I can be in my self-righteous little world!!

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