Sunday, July 09, 2006


Matt 28:19 "Go therefore"

The one verb in the great commission that is a Greek imperative (command) is matheteusate--make disciples. This is preceded by one participle--having gone--and followed by two participles--baptizing and teaching.

Did you catch that "Having gone"

Our World is gong to Hell in a hand basket but the way to counteract this tragedy is not to shout loudly at the world and point out it's faults. Nor is it to live a life that is so similar no one can really tell the difference. In both cases we become irrelevant and out of touch totally negating our witness to the amazing truth of the gospel.

We must instead engage real people in real life and earn the right to whisper into their lives. This is hard work and means we need to leave behind our unreal, fake, facade of a life and begin to engage those around us in authentic relationships. Get out of our safe Christian la la land.

Many of us have become so appalled by sin that we can't even stand the sinner! That's a problem not a virtue. We are so shocked by sin and work so hard to cover it up that we can't be real with our self much less others, Christian or not. The world looks at that and sees nothing different. In fact they pity us. How is that, "they will know you are my disciples by your love for one another." Love not congenial potlucks where fun is not allowed because it looks an awful lot like it might be sin.

So as you are going (having gone) be real, live real life along with all your faults. Share life with your friends and neighbors, Christian or not and whisper all the time about the amazing, true beauty that is all around. Be a people whisperer!


John Lynch said...

Hey homeboy... great post.

Want to begin dialoging via blog on "Shaping of Things to Come"? You could post & I comment... I could post & you comment... Maybe even others would join in.

I just started it; & there are parts I love for the new thought they stir in me. And there are other really significant parts I'm not so sure about. I'd love some dialogue on this... especially as we dream of the future.

Peace, brother.

John Lynch said...

I really love your line... "Nor is it to live a life that is so similar no one can really tell the difference."

I feel so sad at how postmodernity & emergence seems to be leading passionate believers to sacrifice innocence for shrewdness (or "relevance"). It refreshes my heart to feel your passion for both.
